Well, I'm off work next week. When I requested the time off, we had intended to rent a cottage at the beach....but the money we expected to rent it with didn't show up - so I'm staying home and, hopefully, get some things done around the house. I have good intentions - painting, rearrange the living room, clean out the garage, maybe even sit down and work on Sea Tree - but who knows what will happen next week.
There's lots I need to do: Check with the VA about the arthritis in my shoulder; look for a part-time job, maybe visit some of the guys I used to work with in the Guard. Maybe I'll even get in some time playing Battle Field 2 at Game Frog.
But chances are I won't get most of those things done because other things will pop up and I'll be lazy. Before I know it, my week of vacation will be over and I'll be back at work planning my next one.
Last night I watched a program on INSP interviewing one of my favorite authors, Randy Alcorn. He was discussing his book, "Heaven" - an excellent book, especially for those who don't think the Bible has much to say about Heaven. Randy talked a bit about Hell, and about how Hell is hell because we're going to be totally on our own there - no company for our misery. He also talked about how God had wired us to communicate, fellowship, to desire to be around other people - but that won't be possible in Hell. That was enough to scare the hell out of me, even if I am a wallflower at social events; and even though I do enjoy having my house to myself for a week - no coworkers, no grandson getting into things he doesn't need to be messing with, no daughter sleeping the week away except to eat and go back to sleep - it's not really her fault - it's the cancer's; but it's nice being alone for awhile. But not for eternity! I mean, if Hell is half as bad as we're told it is, we're going to want to complainto someone - but there's no one to listen. They're all in their own private hells.
Of course, it's a good thing that I'm not going there. I don't know what the New Earth is going to look like, but I'm sure it will seem like a vacation compared to this world we're living in now. Wonder what job I'll have when I get there and how many years vacation we'll get each millenium?
This is my last post before going on vacation. Hopefully I'll have something worth writing about when I get back.
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