Alan Keyes

I've respected Alan Keyes since he ran in the Republican primary for the 2000 elections. Unfortunately, then the country wasn't ready for a moral genius.....and still isn't. I've never heard anyone debate as well Keyes, or anyone who can get to the heart of the matter quicker than he does. Take this quote from his Crisis of the Republic report:

"Unfortunately, most of our political leaders in both parties operate on a paradigm of politics that has no place for the common good. They have accepted an understanding of political life that is all about the competition for power, the deal making that divides up the public pie so that more voters slop up the goodies at your trough than at the other guy's. Though skilled at building coalitions, they have become utterly incompetent at the work of building, serving and preserving a community. That involves remembering what goes into making us a nation, and assuring that we are all willing to work together to provide for and strengthen it.....
The skillful manipulation that now brings too many of our representatives and officials to power, actually makes them utterly unfit to deal with this crisis. The divisions created and aggravated by their manipulation may in fact be its proximate cause. We desperately need leaders who understand and practice the politics of principle, the politics that challenge us to remember our paramount goal as a free people, which is not to get what we want now, but to preserve the knowledge and practice of liberty for those who will come after us."

I hope he runs - Keyes will get my vote!

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