What do you do when your email inbox is flooded with forwarded messages containing prayers of blessings for you and for your friends? If you'll just send this on to five people, plus the person that sent it to you, pretty soon you'll have hundreds of people praying for you. Sounds like voodoo to me....but I've been guilty - especially when the message content is successful at pulling on your emotional strings.
I'm sure God must think we're a bunch of idiots. Who are we to presume that we can pull His strings and elicit blessings for the people we care about? Does God have nothing better to do than to pass out blessings to every responder who hits the "Forward" button? What about all the people in the world who don't have access to a computer and the Internet - should He punish them by withholding blessings? Are we worried that He's going to run out of blessings, so we'd better get as many as we can while they last?
The truth is, we know that God is not a respector of persons. He's not going to favor my friends over someone else's, so we're just wasting our time trying to manipulate Him. God is the ultimate cat - He won't be herded. And I've just discovered more free time because I'm not going to forward generic emails any longer.
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