Blogs and Forums

One of my distractions from working on my novel is my involvement in online forums. Some are Christian forums, others are secular but we find a way of sneaking our faith in those too. Our faith is part of our makeup, so why pretend to be what we're not?

One of the forums I visit was created to bash the Amway business. Former distributors and people who've never been in the business come there to complain about how they were misled by the leadership. Lots of whining and complaining - years after they left the business! You'd think they'd have something else to occupy their time. When I question why they are so passionate about their hatred for Amway, they ask me why I'm not? I fell for the same spiel they did, yet I only found their blog while trying to find a former friend from the business. I really haven't given much thought to that part of my life in quite awhile.

There's a religion thread on that blog where people compare the Diamonds to Pharisees. They condemn the prosperity doctrine while forgetting they got into the business to make money. If you try to defend the business or hold people accountable, they turn on you like rabid dogs. Here's my take. When I'm swindled by a used car salesman, I don't buy from that dealership again. When I get food poisoning at a restaurant, I never eat there again. I might tell my friends and family how I was cheated or turn down an invitation by co-workers to do lunch at that restaurant again, but I don't campaign against those businesses nor do I ridicule my friends for doing business there. They have just as much right to get ripped off and throw up as I did.

Since these businesses are still around, it's apparent that not everyone has had my experiences. My reality isn't their reality. There's no sense dwelling on the past - I just chalk it up as lessons learned and carry on. Perhaps I simply lack passion about MLM - good or bad. The only two things I might be passionate about are my time with my daughter and my dislike for liberals and the lies they tell. Maybe I need to become passionate about my story. If I did, I wouldn't have time for all these blogs and forums.

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