I have often imagined living during the formative years of this nation. I envision there was a lot of excitement and passion for the cause of liberty. I ask myself, could I stand steady in battlefield formations as cannon and musketballs shredded the men on either side of me? I can only imagine the agony of marching barefoot along roads that consist of frozen, muddy ruts, or facing starvation and disease as part of an ill-equiped army. What motivated these people to risk everything for something they'd never experienced? What prompted farmers and merchants to set aside their livelihood and follow men like George Washington against a better organized and experienced enemy?

Certainly there have been great Americans since our country was founded, yet their achievements have been individual rather than for the collective good. We've benefitted from Thomas Edison's inventiveness and Henry Ford's business savvy, from the philanthropy of Andrew Carnagie, the invention of powered flight by the Wright brothers, the prose of Emerson and Longfellow...and the list goes on - but none of these risked as much for so many.
Certainly, there are no great visionaries leading our nation at this time. They try to tweak and improve on the foundations laid by others, but the mark they leave in this life will pale in comparison to the likes of our Founding Fathers. There is no shortage of pride and confidence in our public servants today, but what is missing and what the Founding Fathers had, was courage and faith. Courage to do the right thing regardless of the consequences, and faith in the Creator and the wisdom found in His Word.

Many of the things that our founders feared would threaten America's liberties are being borne out today as Americans surrender our freedoms in return for comfort and not having to be responsible for something greater than ourselves. Fortunately, there are a relative handful of Americans who understand and appreciate the sacrifices of our Founders and who themselves are willing to risk it all to preserve the Republic. We are on the brink of the next American Revolution where men and women will debate, exhort, and reason among themselves, and fight - if need be, to reclaim the vision that was America. It is possible that these patriots will be looked upon by their own countrymen as law breakers and extremists, but they must try and restore the principles upon which democracy really works. Otherwise, America's greatness and the good it means to the entire world will soon be a thing of the past.
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