Two Doors

I read somewhere that there are only two doors in our lives. One is marked "Security", the other is marked "Freedom". If we choose the door marked Security, we lose both.

I've chosen the Security door most of my life, and guess what? I have neither freedom nor security. Amazing how that works!

So I was sitting around the other day worrying about how I was going to juggle all the balls in my life at this time and I heard God say (yes - He spoke to me), "Worrying is a waste of time - get busy and do something!" Well, I thought I was busy juggling, but that doesn't count.

And for the past couple of days, my mind has been filled with ideas for Sea Tree, ways to make more money, and ideas for Up To The Table - a non-profit focussed on getting healty foods to the poor and hungry.

I'm too young for a rocker and too old to let any more time get away while I play it safe and let life happen to me. I'll take what's behind door number two Bob!

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